Today a year ago, my eyes, for the first time in my life, were opened to the fact, that life is not eternal, and that eventually we all run out of tomorrows.It has become clear that the only thing that really matters in this life is how much love we leave behind – the amount of love we give minus the amount of love we receive.

All my old fears, frustrations, malaise, ingratitude, mislaid ambitions were cut, burnt, poisoned, and starved, not only from my brain, but I believe, also from my soul. Yes, change, is difficult, but I can never go back and be the man I was before July 31 2009, so that means the only way is forward, and to focus on what’s important, my family.

And what a wonderful year it has been, to see my beautiful daughters grow, and to see my amazing wife shine.

Posted Saturday, July 31st, 2010 at 4:52 pm
Filed Under Category: Things
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