Something interesting I read recently, which has helped me to put into context the events of past 15 months.

From Man and his Symbols, edited by Carl G. Jung:

The actual process of individualisation – the conscious coming to terms with one’s inner centre (physic nucleus or Self) begins with a wounding of personality, and the suffering that accompanies that. This initial shock amounts to a sort of “call”, although it is often not recognised as that. On the contrary the ego feels hampered in its will or its desire and usually projects the obstruction onto something external. That is the ego accuses God, the economic situation, or the boss, or the marriage partner on whatever is obstructing it … The hidden purpose of the oncoming darkness is generally so unusual, so unique, so unexpected …

Posted Thursday, October 28th, 2010 at 4:58 am
Filed Under Category: Uncategorized
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